The Tropical Wetlands Shared Earth Reserve is Forever Wild’s first reserve. Covering a core 5000acres, the reserve is adjacent to the Hann Tableland National Park and contiguous with vast cattle stations spanning >300,000 acres. The Tropical Wetlands is a truly incredible property with key qualities for our Wildlife, Economies and Human Spirit program areas.

The reserve has permanent lakes, swamps and creeks and an incredible mosaic of old-growth savanna woodland. The landscape holds one of the highest mammal diversities in the Cape York region, over 220 species of birds and diverse elements from Aboriginal and early settler European culture.

The Indigenous people of this area are the Muluridji, and we are proudly working with them to reconnect with this landscape.

Wilderness Values

The Tropical Wetlands property is a mix of wetlands and a rich mosaic of old-growth savanna woodland. The woodlands and wetlands have very high biomass and are considered a net contributor to carbon storage.

Human Spirit

The Tropical Wetlands protects areas of significant cultural heritage, such as intact sections of the Hodgkinson Goldfields track, and important Indigenous sites. Forever Wild uses the Tropical Wetlands to provide access to support programs for disadvantaged youth and mental & emotional health for vulnerable people. The property is also used to support Forever Wild’s Wilderness Arts program, with a diverse array of very low-key, nature-oriented music events planned each year.


Wildlife on the property is incredibly diverse. Boasting over 220 bird species, the highest bird count in a single day is 98 species! There is a healthy population of the endangered Northern Quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), and during the Dry Season hundreds of brolgas may use the reserve to roost. Cryptic and hard to see species include the beautiful painted button quail (Turnix varius). To visit the reserve contact one of our local tour operators.

Wilderness Economies

The local economic input from this reserve is substantial. Low impact tours can be booked with external companies, to enable people to connect with this beautiful reserve. There are strict limits on the number of visitors allowed. Conservation agriculture is an important component of this reserve and low-impact cattle grazing is operated in partnership with an experienced, local pastoral company. Grazing also assists to manage invasive grass species, many of which create a fire risk that destroys the woodlands if left unchecked.

These activities fund the reserve management and our local community programs, including annual community concerts.

Visiting the Tropical Wetlands

You can visit the Tropical Wetlands by booking a stay at Wild Nature Lodge. This facility is run independently by Wild Nature Escapes and is an initiative with Bana Bubu, a local, wholly-owned Indigenous company. 

You can also book a private tour with FNQ Nature Tours.