We recognize that despite our best efforts to protect the Earth’s last wildernesses, human beings have instigated change even where no human has set foot. Invasive species, wildlife disease and disruption to fundamental ecological processes all take their toll on the integrity of wilderness.
The Forever Wild Group acquires, or manages, properties. The Group is operating across Australia and is now expanding into Africa where our focus is on new land management models with IPLCs. All properties are managed using the Forever Wild whole of landscape management framework for wildlife communities We also work with neighbours to ensure broader ecological integrity is protected. This can include new models of land use, and setting specific ecological goals.

Ecological management
Forever Wild actively manages our reserves to maintain the integrity of their ecological function including:
- Fire management and burning based on traditional and contemporary knowledge
- Control of invasive species using a diversity of management tool, including pastoralism for introduced grasses
- Feral vertebrate control for species that cause serious damage
- We run applied species programs for threatened and sensitive species, and will mount survey and exploration projects in our landscapes where we lack data